Film Music
“A Friend Indeed: The Bill Sackter Story” ~
Sound clips from the film score
♦ Below are some excerpts of the music I wrote for this film.
♦ You can watch Vimeo videos that I made from my film score here.
♦ Visit the Listen & Watch page to hear more film and concert music.
Please note that all sound clips on this website are copyright by Peter Bloesch, with all rights reserved. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this music is prohibited.
End Credits Music: Sound Clip / Watch my music video*
* Note: This music video was made by me, to feature my music. It does not contain any images from the actual Bill Sackter film.
Bill Moves to Iowa: Sound Clip / Watch my music video*
* Note: This music video was made by me, to feature my music. It does not contain any images from the actual Bill Sackter film.
This music underscores a reenactment of Bill's car trip to Iowa City, and depicts his feelings of hope and joy as he anticipates becoming a member of Barry's family.
Opening Credits Music: Sound Clip / Watch my music video*
* Note: This music video was made by me, to feature my music. It does not contain any images from the actual Bill Sackter film.
In this scene, Bill is feeling sad and isolated because his best friend, Barry Morrow, has decided to move from Minnesota to Iowa, and Bill is staying behind.
The gentleness and dignity of this music matches the narrator's description of how Bill finally got his first opportunity to work, which was in a coffee shop named after him.
This is an extended scene with varying moods:
First, we hear Barry Morrow describe how his young daughter, Zoey, fell suddenly into a coma. Next, we hear Bill saying a heartfelt prayer for Zoey (this is when the strings appear in the music).
After that, the music shifts back to a feeling of uncertainty, as Barry describes how he thanked Bill for coming to the hospital, but wasn't sure if Bill's prayer would be answered.
And finally, when the music shifts to the major key, this is when Barry tells us that Zoey had come out of her coma soon after Bill had prayed for her.
In this scene, we learn how exciting it was for Bill to be experiencing all the joys and wonders of the “outside world” after having been released from the institution.
Simple things that most of us take for granted — like seeing birds and hearing the laughter of children — were completely new experiences for Bill, and this music seeks to capture that sense of childlike wonder.
This is the place in the film where Bill shares with Barry one of his worst memories from his years in the institution.
The scene starts as we see a porch swing and we hear nighttime sounds. Bill describes to Barry how he was pulled down a flight of stairs by a ruthless employee of the institution.
The music shifts dramatically to a feeling of dignity and affirmation, as the scene ends with the narrator describing how Bill's inspirational story was quickly spreading across the country.
This music underscores a scene in which Barry and Tom explain that even though Bill and his story had become quite famous, he remained a humble person, completely unspoiled by all the attention he was receiving.
The music ends on a playful note as Tom states that even though Bill didn't understand the attention he was getting from people, he loved it.
In this final scene of the film, the music starts solemnly as Barry describes how Bill — a simple man who worked in a coffee shop — was nevertheless a person who had touched many people's lives in a positive and powerful way.
The music ends with a big crescendo, serving to emphasize the triumphant ending of Bill's story.
When you see the menu screen of a DVD, you've probably noticed there's music playing in the background. Usually, the company who makes the DVD simply pulls some of the existing film score and uses it for this purpose. However, I wanted to write a separate piece of music that would be used expressly for the DVD menu.
This is the music I wrote in response to the film producer's request for something to play under his opening logo.