Peter Bloesch Listen

“Peter's music exhibits prodigious gifts of creativity, drama, and a flair for orchestration.  His music has thrilled our audiences with its freshness and emotional power.”

— Dr. Christian Tiemeyer, former Music Director of Orchestra Iowa

Instrumental Music

♦  Please select one of the following categories, or simply scroll down:

     ♦  Full Orchestra Music
  String Orchestra Music
♦  Chamber Music
♦​​​​​​​  Church Music

♦  To learn more about any piece below (and to hear sound clips, when available), click on the title.


Orchestral Program Music 

With my background in film scoring, I decided to write some original concert pieces for full (or chamber) orchestra which have a cinematic feel to them. Each of these pieces has a different dramatic theme — they sound just like film music but  were written for the concert hall. (Please note: They are not currently available for performance.)

♦  Hear sound clips of this music on the Listen & Watch page.
♦  Watch music videos of this music on my Vimeo channel.

♦  Hear samples of my “real” film music here.

PLEASE NOTE:  I'm currently working on some exciting new full-orchestra pieces, including several stirring tone poems, and a Holiday Pops piece for the 4th of July.


Serenade for String Orchestra and Piano 
Scoring:  Large string ensemble (with divisi) and piano   —   Duration:  ca. 12:00
Description:  An exciting and varied string orchestra piece in three movements, written to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Preucil School of Music, a pioneering Suzuki-method school

Scoring:  Large string ensemble (with divisi), harp, and piano   —   Duration:  ca. 8:00
Description:  A lush and nostalgic arrangement of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” and Dvořák's “Songs My Mother Taught Me,” written to celebrate Doris Preucil's retirement from the Preucil School of Music, a ground-breaking music school that she founded.


Five Pieces for Violin and Piano
Scoring:  Violin and Piano   —   Duration:  ca. 17:00 for the entire set
Description:  A programmatic set of five pieces, which can be performed individually or as a set

Sketches of Scotland for Oboe and Piano
Scoring:  Oboe and Piano   —   Duration:  ca. 16:10 for all four movements
Description:  A delightful new oboe piece, celebrating the beauty of Scotland

Bassoon Sonata
Scoring:  Bassoon and Piano   —   Duration:  ca. 13:00 for all four movements
Description:  A fresh new bassoon sonata, in a variety of neo-classical styles

Scottish Folk Song Suite for Violin and Cello Duo
Scoring:  Violin and Cello   —   Duration:  ca. 7:00
Description:  A delightful suite of four Scottish folk songs, alternating between slow-fast-slow-fast

A Christmas Suite for Flute, Viola, and Guitar 
Scoring:  Flute, Viola, Guitar   —   Duration:  ca. 20:00
Description:  A set of six stand-alone arrangements, with plenty of variety and drama

Fugue on a Theme by Dvořák 
Scoring:  Flute, Viola, Guitar   —   Duration:  ca. 2:30
Description:  Part of a group-commissioning project for Red Cedar Chamber Music, this piece is a fugal variation on a famous theme by Dvořák.


A Christmas Interlude for Oboe and Organ  (offertory) 
SOUND  CLIP   /   WATCH VIDEO   /   Duration:  ca. 4:00   —   PDF:  $25
Description:  An arrangement of Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming” and The Sussex Carol” combined into one delightful piece

Organ Toccata: Of the Father's Love Begotten”  (postlude) 
SOUND  CLIP   /   WATCH VIDEO   /   Duration:  ca. 2:00 — PDF:  $20
Description:  This jubilant piece makes a dramatic ending to a Christmastide service.

Organ Offertory: “Blessed Be That Maid Mary   
SOUND CLIP   /   Duration:  ca. 4:00 — PDF:  $20
Description:  A reflective piece written in the “romantic impressionist” style, based on the traditional English tune.

A Christmas Interlude for Strings 
Scoring:  String ensemble (any size, with at least 3,3,2,2,1)   —   Duration:  ca. 5:00
Description:  An arrangement of “In the Bleak Midwinter” and “Quem Pastores”  —
NOTE: ”In the Bleak Midwinter” can be performed separately.

Nyland”  (Finnish Folk Tune)
Scoring:  String ensemble (any size, with at least 3,3,2,1,1)   —   Duration:  ca. 4:00
Description:  A tender and expressive arrangement of the Finnish folktune Nyland,” which is also the melody for the hymn In Heavenly Love Abiding”